Saturday, August 4, 2007

Day 8 - Neskaupstadur - By Anna

After the scary journey through the mountan pass, we decided that we would stay in this pensinsular today and relax a little. Neither of us wanted to do the mountain pass again until we left (and even then we weren't looking forward to it) Every day so far we have crammed so much in so we thought we deserved a day off to chill out. After breakfast I continued with my Harry Potter book:


and Leigh was tinkering on this blog site. Luckily we had wi-fi access in our room (Only just and quite possibly the only room close enough to get it -L) so Leigh could really get the blog sorted. And for those of you who know Leigh well, you may notice and appreciate some of the extra‘s hes added (music/videos!). At lunch Leigh went to find our sandwiches, and came back to the room with a huge grin on his face. Apparently they hadn‘t got anything on their file so one of the girls in the kitchen russled something up for us.


I looked in the bag to see two rounds of sandwiches and a muddy carrot each which made us laugh.


It seems this is all they had left in place of the usual piece of fruit!

The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it, I‘d finished my book and it was 6.30pm. We decided we would take a wonder into the little town as we‘d heard there was a big party this weekend.


(The Icelandics love football and every little town seems to have its own pitch. I thought this one was pretty impresive -L)

football pitch full

The first weekend in August is Verslunarmannahelgi and all of Iceland descend on a few towns and have a big party and to our suprise one of them was here. We followed one of the many cars of underage drivers up the coastal road to a dead end. There was a walk going along the cliffs and along the coast so we ventured out. Leigh was loving this, but as I‘m not good with heights and the walk was a bit slippy and I had my rubbish shoes on it wasn‘t long before I was feeling too shaky on my feet and wanted to return to safer ground. Leigh took a few photos


and we drove back into the town looking for this huge party. The guidebooks said people flocked here from the area so we counldn‘t understand why we couldnt see it. The town was quite small (1500 ppl) and ran along the coast so anything should be easy to see. Then we stumbled across a small funfair on the coast, a small stage in a car park made of wood no bigger than a bus and lots of kids running around the streets. Surely this couldnt be it!


Then a guy got up on stage and started tuning is guitar. We were amazed how such a big event looked so small compared to what we were used to. We decided to give the party a miss and headed back to our room. I cooked some pasta on our little stove and we chilled out for the rest of the night in the room, preparing ourselves again for the scary mountain pass.

Weather: Cloudy and drizzly
Distance Travelled: 8km